[CD Review] FOSTER THE PEOPLE – Supermodel


Still channelling that deep-space pop vibe that delivered us ‘Pumped Up Kicks’ in 2011, Foster The People’s new album Supermodel is a more mature sound from the band.

With winding vocals developing from gritty screams to soaring falsetto, there is almost the twang of a brit accent in a few tracks; perhaps traced back to lead singer Mark Foster’s friendship and collaborative (albeit not yet productive) relationship with Kooks frontman Luke Pritchard.

Two tracks shone out from the bunch for me, ‘Coming Of Age’ – the lead single, and ‘Best Friend’ – my no.1 pick. Ultimately quite different, but both with a really bouncing, pop beat that makes for easy listening on a Sunday afternoon (with a beer in hand).

The relatable lyrics, that beg to question some very serious (and many more extraordinary) issues in life, are charismatic and a little cheeky without taking the mickey.

From trumpeting jazzy back notes, psychedelic dance beats and a folk and indie vocal pairing (and even mashing in a little catchy rock sensation) the serious mash up of feels makes for an album that could be enjoyed mainstream or underground, my the masses or by a select few.

Reviewer: Marley Tinnock
