[CD Review] MOJO JUJU – Mojo Juju


Mojo Juju’s debut self-titled album has been a long time coming, and contains blood, sweat and tears. Jazz-infused and full of heart and soul, this is an afternoon delight, perfectly accompanied by a big ol’ drink. Opener ‘Must Be Desire’ encapsulates the title completely. Juju’s grainy vocals are like no other, flowing effortlessly over a sax that oozes sex appeal and those dusty, jazzy drums blend it all together so smoothly. The songs are so romantic and rich in rustic charm it is difficult not to get caught up in the little world Juju has created. The pumping double bass of ‘Brother Where Have You Been’ provides some upbeat knee-slapping fun and the powerful deliverance in a dramatic cover of ‘I Put A Spell On You’ will give you chills. Mojo Juju certainly has a way with words and spunk to boot as she embraces her oddity via her love affair with music.

ABC Music
Reviewer: Charli Hutchison